Wednesday 11 March 2015

Praying in Tongues Helps You Bring Forth God-Ideas

People praying in tongues
The issue of speaking in tongues has sparked many debates between the mainline, the Pentecostal churches and some apostolic sects. Most of the mainline churches say that there is nothing like speaking in tongues and it is the thing of the past during the times of Jesus apostles. They are supported by churches like Jehovah’s Witnesses(Watch Tower).

The Pentecostal churches, which are sometimes referred to as charismatic churches, believe much in speaking in tongues. In Acts 2: 4 the bible says, “And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other tongue as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. Likewise, when people speak in other tongues the Holy Spirit give them the ability to do so. This is what the Pentecostal and some of the apostolic sects believe.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of the Christ Embassy once said, “There are certain changes you want to see in your life, family, ministry, job, business, finances or academics, but they seem not to be happening. If you would pray in the spirit well enough, you would receive ideas and answers from the Holy Spirit through your spirit. And even when those ideas come to you in other tongues, the same Spirit of God can help you understand and put them to work.” This quotation highlights the importance of speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues helps a believer to be brilliant in whatever he/she is doing.

When believers find themselves at the crossroads of a major decision, they do not have to go about asking others what to do. They might get themselves confused that way because they might be talking to the wrong people.

Some believers think they would have to wait a long time for an answer as men did in the Old Testament. What they forget is that we live in a new age today. In this new age, the One who speaks lives inside believers. Therefore, as believers pray in other tongues, they will speak forth answers to the issues at hand.

Enjoy  the following videos as you get to know how believers benefit from speaking in tongues.

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