Thursday, 26 February 2015

Christianity and Politics

It is believed that in Zimbabwe Christianity is one of the religion which attract more than half of the population as compared to other religions like Bhudaism, Hinduism and Muslims among others.

There are some studies which were made and it was revealed that even though Christianity enjoys a wide followship, many of them were not voting. As a result, some politicians have seen Christian community as a green pastures for political campaigns.

Even the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, His Excellency Robert Gabriel Mugabe and the First Lady Dr Grace Mugabe have realised this pasture. Soon the commencement of the opposition political party in Zimbabwe, the president and his wife has been seen clobbered in the Johane Marange or Masowe white regalia in solicit for votes.

This has created an undue influence and many ‘men and women of the clothes’ since their leaders campaigned for him in their churches because he disguised himself as their brethren.

This strategy has seen even the former Vice President Joyce Teurairopa Mujuru following the suit. She has been covered by many newspapers and these stories made the first pages both in the private and Zimpapers newspapers.

Let us see this in the following videos.  

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