Friday, 27 February 2015

Is Hell Real?

Many non-Christians and some Christians believe that there is nothing like hell. I beg to differ with them for they say that if someone dies he/she is buried on the grave and that’s the end of the story.

What these people do not know is that there is life after death. So if a person is a born again some by the time he/she dies his/her soul goes to heaven-at paradise to be specific. The opposite is true with someone who is not a believer or a born again somebody, he/she goes straight to hell.

In order to make this subject to be easily understood there is a need to define and explain the term “hell”. Hell is defined as the abode of evil spirits, infernal regions, and a place of eternal punishment or extreme torment It is also referred to as “gehenna”, “tartarus”, “sheol” or hades. The bible tells us that hell was not designed for man but for the devil and the fallen angels but because the devil has deceived many people on earth God is going to punish them by throwing these people to hell.

Many people confuse hell to grave. In Luke 16 verses 19 to 31 says that there was a certain rich man who was splendidly clothed and who lived in each day in luxury. At his door used to lay a diseased beggar named Lazarus. The bible continues to say that as Lazarus lay there longing for scraps from the rich man’s table, the dogs would come and lick his open sores

Finally the beggar died and was carried by angels to be with Abraham. A rich man also died and was buried, and his soul went to the place of the dead. There, in torment, he saw Lazarus in the far distance with Abraham. The bible says that the rich man shouted to Abraham to have pity to him and send Lazarus to him to dip he tip of his finger in water and come to cool his tongue because he was in anguish of hell fierce flames.

If you pay the close look on the above verses you will realise that the both died and their bodies were buried in a grave but their souls thereafter went somewhere. For Lazarus it went to the place of comfort- paradise, a place without fire but with water and other comforts. The rich man’s soul went to hell.

I once discussed this subject of hell with a certain Watch Tower believer and he said that hell is another word for grave and therefore, they are similar.
There are some facts in the bible to prove that hell is not a grave. In Deuteronomy 32:22 the bible says that the fire in the hell is as infernal as the mountains and this fire is kindled in God’s wrath. There is no fire in a grave.

After all the discussion the fact remains- there is heaven and hell to go. The worst mistake that people can make is to miss heaven and goes to hell. There is enough grace and time for everyone to make his/her way straight before death. Ecclesiastes 9 verse 10 says whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or work or wisdom.

Below are some videos concerning hell. Watch this
 or this one

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Christianity and Politics

It is believed that in Zimbabwe Christianity is one of the religion which attract more than half of the population as compared to other religions like Bhudaism, Hinduism and Muslims among others.

There are some studies which were made and it was revealed that even though Christianity enjoys a wide followship, many of them were not voting. As a result, some politicians have seen Christian community as a green pastures for political campaigns.

Even the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, His Excellency Robert Gabriel Mugabe and the First Lady Dr Grace Mugabe have realised this pasture. Soon the commencement of the opposition political party in Zimbabwe, the president and his wife has been seen clobbered in the Johane Marange or Masowe white regalia in solicit for votes.

This has created an undue influence and many ‘men and women of the clothes’ since their leaders campaigned for him in their churches because he disguised himself as their brethren.

This strategy has seen even the former Vice President Joyce Teurairopa Mujuru following the suit. She has been covered by many newspapers and these stories made the first pages both in the private and Zimpapers newspapers.

Let us see this in the following videos.  

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

One Man One Wife

The bible tells us that in the beginning of human race God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof. The rib which the Lord God has taken from a man, made a woman and brought her unto the man.

Madzimai (Johane Masowe)
What is amazing is that when Adam woke up from the deep sleep he opened his mouth and for the first time he opened his mouth and said “This is the bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman because she was taken out of a man (See Genesis 2 verses 21-23). Who told him that?

Looking closely on the above statement one can realise that God’s plan was for each man to have his own wife, and in turn, each woman to have her own husband. This was the perfect will of God from the beginning of human race.

The most strange thing that is happening in the Christian community these days is that fornication and adultery is the order of the day. The million dollar question is that where do they get this from? The answer is clear- they get this from Satan.

There is sect of the men of the clothes which are colloquially called “Mapostoli, or Mapostori” which have the audacity of practising polygamy. This is not done by the congregants only but by the pastors also. Most of the men or “Madzibaba” as they are commonly called have got more than two wives or “Madzimai”.

Apostle Paul wrote a letter to Timothy instructing him that if a man want to be a leader or a deacon, that man must be a man of one wife (1 Timothy 3 verse 12). This is clear that if a church leader or a congregant have got two wives he is committing fornication adultery. God who knows what people do now and see what people do not see- has this to say concerning this matter: “Flee fornication (1 Corinthians 6: 18) and adultery (1 Corinthians 10: 14).”

One of the Mapostori man who preferred anonymity was interviewed by this blogger concerning polygamy and this is what he said: “I do not see any problem for us as Madzibaba to have more than one wives. Check your bible and you will see that Solomon has many wives. Why is this a concern to us, we are practising what the elders in the bible did.”

 After realising ignorance on this man this blogger tried to reason with him but it was to no avail. When told what happened to Solomon after taking wives from the nations where God said he must not marry, this man said that it depend on the heart of a man.

This is clear that many Christians do not see any problem about polygamy. Surely, Christians who support this must repent and accept Jesus as their Lord and personal saviour.

Christians who practise polygamy must know that they are not doing a good thing and the wrath of God is upon them. If they die before they set saved hell is their final destination.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Zimbabwe- A Country Blessed with Prophets

Prophet Uebert Angel

Prophet Uebert Angel

Prophet Blessing Chiza and His wife

Prophet Walter Magaya

Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa

Prophet Passion Java and His wife

Prophet Passion Java and His wife

Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa

Prophet Walter Magaya

Prophet Blessing Chiza

Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa

Prophet Angel, Makandiwa and their wives

Prophet Magaya, Angel and Makandiwa

Prophet Makandiwa and Angel